Letโ€™s do this


Interested in hiring a doula? Want a free consult to see if weโ€™re a good match? Ready to book? Need help with breastfeeding? Youโ€™ve come to the right place!



Want to talk birth and goals + see if weโ€™re a good fit? Letโ€™s get together! This free consult is typically in person, with phone or video options available if needed. This time gives you the opportunity to learn more about what a doula does, the package that I offer, and gives me a chance to understand the type of birth that you desire.




  • 2-3 prenatal/birth prep visits

  • Birth plan guidance

  • Text support throughout pregnancy

  • 24/7 on call from 38 weeks until delivery

  • In person support once active labor begins

  • Immediate postpartum care following delivery for 1-2 hours

  • Birth photos when possible

  • Birth timeline that documents your birth story

  • 1-2 postpartum visits + breastfeeding assistance

  • Postpartum support via phone 

  • Payment plans available



While breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, itโ€™s not always easy as you get started. The lack of support or knowledge can lead to discouragement and frustration for mama. The role of a breastfeeding counselor is to provide support and guidance in order to successfully breastfeed!


  • Meeting with mama to learn her needs, wants, and desires (virtually or in person)

  • Formulating potential solutions based off of meeting

  • Guidance to establish a good milk supply along with tips for latching. positioning, and pumping

  • Supporting, educating, and empowering moms who want to breastfeed


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