Nice to meet you!

I’m a boy mama x 2. After having two very different birth experiences, I’m very passionate about supporting and educating parents leading up to birth and beyond.

I live in Westfield, Indiana with my husband + our two boys. I love mom hangs, adventuring with my fam, being my kids biggest cheerleader + checking out new local food and coffee spots with my husband. My favorite latte (right now) comes from Debbie’s Daughters in Noblesville!

I’m Alyssa


a bit more about

my story

Hi! I’m Alyssa. I’m a Westfield-based mom, wife, and doula. I’m married to Daniel - the two of us met while we were both on mission trips in Africa. Nothing like falling in love on another continent! I’m also a boy mama who has experienced drastically different births. With a long induction labor and c-section birth and also a non-medicated VBAC under my belt, I feel well equipped to support all moms. I love to integrate a holistic approach to birth work, but I also appreciate modern medicine when truly needed. 

I love to serve mamas while they’re in such a sweet season of pregnancy and birth. I believe that God’s design is beautiful and so intentional - and that includes pregnancy and childbirth! We are equipped with so many tools to prepare for and then have an empowering and meaningful labor and delivery. I appreciate that there are times that assistance from an OB is needed during birth for the health and wellness of mom and/or baby, but when possible, I love to see birth play out without unnecessary interventions.

I’m a huge advocate for informed choice and consent and believe it’s an important topic to become familiar with before pregnancy and birth. I love that my job is to support women in their strengths because ultimately, mama is in control of her birth experience! Every mom has their wants and needs when envisioning the birth that they desire, and I love helping them get from where they are to where they want to be. I value breastfeeding and postpartum wellness as well and love to help moms troubleshoot or problem solve when needed. The saying “it takes a village” holds a special place with me as I often feel pulled to be that village for fellow mamas. I strive to make other moms feel appreciated, supported, informed, and confident in their God-given abilities! 

Get to know me

My favorite Instagram pic:

My pride and joy:

The perfect match

Let’s work together

I am certified through Elite Doula & Co

Alyssa Going is a Certified Pro-life Christian Doula through Elite Doula & Co. Elite offers a thorough and comprehensive training that prepares their doulas to offer support in the areas of fertility, childbirth education, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, newborn and infant care, as well as PICL bereavement training. This provides families with the very best continuity of care throughout their entire journey. EDC’s curriculum is faith-based and Christ-centered focusing on Christian values, morals, and beliefs. EDC believes in and respects the evidence-based research that doulas improve birth and postpartum outcomes for mothers and babies. They built their curriculum using evidence-based materials that includes education from the American Academy of

Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention among others. As it pertains to birth work and women and children’s health, EDC believes in informed consent and in a truly blended space where the necessity and respect for medical care providers and modern medicine, meets ancestral traditional women’s wisdom of birth practices, as well as complementary herbal & botanical integrative medicines. It is not an us against them mentality seen in other doula and birthing communities. We also value and appreciate OB’s and midwives personal experiences and anecdotal evidence. 

The name

Comfort & Vine

Comfort and Vine is a business name that has been on my heart for a long time as both words hold beautiful meaning to me!


[hue-gah] noun. danish, norwegian

  1. a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that brings a feeling of contentment or well-being

  2. a cozy quality that makes a person feel content and comfortable.

Have you heard of hygge? After spending a short time in Norway, I fell in love with the idea of it. When the trend traveled over here to the states, I further enjoyed the beautiful aesthetic and vibes. Hot coffee, fuzzy blankets, warm lighting, beautiful greenery. Hygge looks warm, inviting, comforting, and cozy. It was really easy for me to relate this concept to both childbirth and also what being in Christ feels like. We can find full comfort in Him. He truly and deeply knows all that we go through! He sees us in every circumstance including fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond. We reach for comfort and contentment on Earth while we are here and while our ultimate comfort is in Christ, my passion is to bring you as much comfort as you need during a very vulnerable and important time. Having someone who listens, understands and supports you throughout your pregnancy + birth journey feels very comforting - I speak from experience!

— I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

I love the word “vine”. It reminds me of the first time I ever memorized scripture as a little girl. John 15. Jesus is the true vine. The metaphor here is of a vine and its branches. The vine is the source and sustenance of life for the branches, and the branches must abide in the vine to live and bear fruit. Jesus, of course, is the vine, and the branches are us. This scripture has often reminded me of the birth process as we bring a precious life earth side as we cling to and seek Him.